Salt Galata
May 5, 2012

Maden Tetkik Arama Enstitüsü Genel Müdürlük Binası, Eskişehir Yolu, Ankara
Rahmi Bediz – Demirtaş Kamçıl (1960-1967)
Photo by Metehan Özcan (2012)
Rahmi Bediz – Demirtaş Kamçıl (1960-1967)
Photo by Metehan Özcan (2012)
SALT Galata, Auditorium
A series of talks, which focus on the production of architecture and design in the era captured by the Modern Essays 4: SALON exhibition, is organized at SALT Galata on May 5 and May 10. Architectural historian Elvan Altan Ergut will present the reconstruction of Ankara in between 1950-1980 via the works of architects Rahmi Bediz and Demirtaş Kamçıl, architecture and design critic Gökhan Karakuş will share his work on Butik-A and its contemporaries, and Meltem Gürel will address the 1950-1960 period through the framework of living rooms culture.
17.00 Elvan Altan Ergut
Rahmi Bediz-Demirtaş Kamçıl: Modern Ankara’nın Yeniden İnşası, 1950-1980
[Rahmi Bediz-Demirtaş Kamçıl: The Re-Construction of Modern Ankara, 1950-1980]
18.00 Gökhan Karakuş
Türkiye’de 20. yüzyılın ortalarında modern mobilya tasarımı
[Mid 20th century modern furniture design in Turkey]
The talks will be held in Turkish.
Elvan Altan Ergut is Chair of the Graduate Program in Architectural History at Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture. She has published in national and international publications on twentieth century architecture, nineteenth century architecture, and architectural historiography. She is the co-editor of Rethinking Architectural Historiography (2006), Cumhuriyet Dönemi Mimari Mirasının Korunması [Conservation of Twentieth Century Architectural Heritage] (2009), Bruno Taut Türkiye’de / Bruno Taut in der Turkei [Bruno Taut in Turkey] (2010), Cumhuriyet’in Mekânları / Zamanları / İnsanları [Spaces / Times / People of the Republic] (2010), and Bina Kimlikleri. Ankara. Cumhuriyet’in 50 Yılı [Building Identities. Ankara. 50 Years of the Republic] (2012).
Gökhan Karakuş is an architectural critic, theorist and designer. His field of study is especially related to locality in design, modernism and architecture. He has contributed to publications including Wallpaper, ID, Detail, Art Unlimited and Icon and is currently working as the editorial director of Natura magazine sponsored by IMIB, which focuses on stone architecture in today’s Eurasian region. He is the author of the books Turkish Touch in Design (2007) and Turkish Architecture Now (2009). He is also the director of the web design studio e|medya. He is currently working on advanced design research on architectural strategies for buildings on squatter areas and the integration of medieval Islamic architecture’s mathematics with computer aided design, as well as two monographs; on the Beiruti architect Nabil Gholam and Turkish designer Tanju Özelgin.
Gökhan Karakuş is an architectural critic, theorist and designer. His field of study is especially related to locality in design, modernism and architecture. He has contributed to publications including Wallpaper, ID, Detail, Art Unlimited and Icon and is currently working as the editorial director of Natura magazine sponsored by IMIB, which focuses on stone architecture in today’s Eurasian region. He is the author of the books Turkish Touch in Design (2007) and Turkish Architecture Now (2009). He is also the director of the web design studio e|medya. He is currently working on advanced design research on architectural strategies for buildings on squatter areas and the integration of medieval Islamic architecture’s mathematics with computer aided design, as well as two monographs; on the Beiruti architect Nabil Gholam and Turkish designer Tanju Özelgin.