2013 Exhibitions
Crowds and Power
December 5, 2013 - February 16, 2014
Press Release
Still from the video TANKLOVE (2008) by Köken Ergun
Still from the video I, Soldier (2005) by Köken Ergun
One, No One and One Hundred Thousand
SALT Galata
September 10 - December 26, 2013
Press Release
Photo: Elio Montanari
Ouverture, Lothar Baumgarten, Castello di Rivoli, Turin, 1984
Photo: Elio Montanari
James Lee Byars, Venice, 1986
A Promised Exhibition
SALT Beyoğlu and SALT Galata
September 10, 2013 - January 5, 2014
Press Release
Gülsün Karamustafa, from the series Promised Paintings, 2004
Gülsün Karamustafa, Mystic Transport, 1992
Trespassing Modernities
SALT Galata
May 8 - August 11, 2013
Press Release
Residential complex (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Photo: Markus Weisbeck (In the context of the project Local Modernities)
Holiday Retreat of the Union of Writers, dining hall (Sevan Peninsula, Armenia)
Architect: Gevorg Kochar (Yerevanproekt)
Courtesy Yerevanproject CJSC
SALT Beyoğlu
May 8 - August 11, 2013
Press Release
subREAL, News from Dracula (Draculaland 9), 1995
Installation view from the exhibition subREAL at SALT Beyoğlu
Courtesy Călin Dan and Iosif Király
Photo: Cem Berk Ekinil
subREAL, Dataroom, photograph, 1996
Courtesy Călin Dan and Iosif Király
Taiping Tianguo
SALT Beyoğlu
May 8 - August 11, 2013
Press Release
Frog King Kwok
David Bowie wearing “Froggies”
early ’90s
Frog King Kwok
It was a time of conversation
3 Nisan - 2 Haziran 2013
Press Release
Selim Birsel, Kurşun Uykusu [Lead Sleep], 1995
(From the GAR [Railway Station] exhibition)
From the GAR [Railway Station] exhibition
(Ankara, 1995)
Modern Turkey’s Discovery of the Ottoman Heritage: The Ali Saim Ülgen Archive
SALT Galata
February 8 - April 7 2013
Press Release
A worker posing on a dome (date unknown)
Topkapı Palace kitchens survey, section (date unknown)
Drawing: Ali Saim Ülgen
SALT Galata
January 24 - April 14 2013
Press Release
Still from the video installation 1+8 (Armavir, Armenia)
© Cynthia Madansky and Angelika Brudniak (2012)
Still from the video installation 1+8 (Al Qamishli, Syria)
© Cynthia Madansky and Angelika Brudniak (2012)
“Scared of Murals”
SALT Beyoğlu
January 31 - April 21 2013
Press Release
Yusuf Taktak reading the artists’ declaration following the attack, next to him Orhan Taylan
13th Antalya International Film and Arts Festival (June 18-26, 1976)
Archive: Yusuf Taktak
“Scared of Murals” banner
Kuşadası Culture and Arts Festival (September 8-11, 1980)
Archive: Yusuf Taktak
December 5, 2013 - February 16, 2014
Press Release

One, No One and One Hundred Thousand
SALT Galata
September 10 - December 26, 2013
Press Release

Ouverture, Lothar Baumgarten, Castello di Rivoli, Turin, 1984

James Lee Byars, Venice, 1986
A Promised Exhibition
SALT Beyoğlu and SALT Galata
September 10, 2013 - January 5, 2014
Press Release

Trespassing Modernities
SALT Galata
May 8 - August 11, 2013
Press Release

Photo: Markus Weisbeck (In the context of the project Local Modernities)

Architect: Gevorg Kochar (Yerevanproekt)
Courtesy Yerevanproject CJSC
SALT Beyoğlu
May 8 - August 11, 2013
Press Release

Installation view from the exhibition subREAL at SALT Beyoğlu
Courtesy Călin Dan and Iosif Király
Photo: Cem Berk Ekinil

Courtesy Călin Dan and Iosif Király
Taiping Tianguo
SALT Beyoğlu
May 8 - August 11, 2013
Press Release

David Bowie wearing “Froggies”
early ’90s

It was a time of conversation
3 Nisan - 2 Haziran 2013
Press Release

(From the GAR [Railway Station] exhibition)

(Ankara, 1995)
Modern Turkey’s Discovery of the Ottoman Heritage: The Ali Saim Ülgen Archive
SALT Galata
February 8 - April 7 2013
Press Release

Drawing: Ali Saim Ülgen
SALT Galata
January 24 - April 14 2013
Press Release

© Cynthia Madansky and Angelika Brudniak (2012)

© Cynthia Madansky and Angelika Brudniak (2012)
“Scared of Murals”
SALT Beyoğlu
January 31 - April 21 2013
Press Release

13th Antalya International Film and Arts Festival (June 18-26, 1976)
Archive: Yusuf Taktak

Kuşadası Culture and Arts Festival (September 8-11, 1980)
Archive: Yusuf Taktak