2012 Exhibitions
İstanbul Eindhoven-SALTVanAbbe
SALT Beyoğlu and SALT Galata
January 27 - December 31, 2012
Press Release
İstanbul Eindhoven-SALTVanAbbe: Post ‘89
SALT Beyoğlu and SALT Galata
January 27 - April 6, 2012
Press Release
Juan Muñoz, Listening Figure, 1991
Juan Muñoz, Balcony, 1991
Van Abbemuseum Collection, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Peter Cox, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Marlene Dumas, Models, 1994
Van Abbemuseum Collection, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Peter Cox, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
İstanbul Eindhoven-SALTVanAbbe: 68-89
SALT Beyoğlu
April 20 - August 26, 2012
Press Release
Donald Judd, Untitled, 1974-1976
Van Abbemuseum Collection, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Peter Cox, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Gerrit van Bakel, Utah-machine (Behorend bij de Utah-Tarim connectie) [Utah-machine (part of the Utah-Tarim connection)], 1980
Van Abbemuseum Collection, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Peter Cox, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
İstanbul Eindhoven-SALTVanAbbe: Modern Times
SALT Galata
September 21 - December 30, 2012
Press Release
Abidin Dino, Elleri Bağlılar I [Hands Tied Up I], 1960s
Drawing ink on paper
Öner Kocabeyoğlu Collection
Photo: Bahadır Taşkın
Fernand Léger, Une chaise, un pot de fleurs, 2 bouteilles [A chair, a flowerpot, 2 bottles], 1951
Oil on canvas
Van Abbemuseum Collection, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Photo: Peter Cox, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
It was a time of conversation
SALT Galata
February 8 - April 22, 2012
Press Release
Ahmet Müderrisoğlu, İsimsiz [Untitled], 1995
From the Globalization - State, Misery, Violence exhibition
Selim Birsel, Kurşun Uykusu [Lead Sleep], 1995
From the GAR [Railway Station] exhibition
I decided not to save the world
SALT Beyoğlu
March 20 - May 20, 2012
Press Release
Yto Barrada, Palm Sign, 2010
Tate, purchased 2011
Photo: Tate
Slavs and Tatars, Mystical Protest, 2011
Courtesy of the artists
Translated By
SALT Galata
April 6 - July 8, 2012
Press Release
Translated By, installation view, SALT Research, SALT Galata
Translated By, installation view, SALT Galata
Modern Essays 4: SALON
SALT Galata
April 13 - June 24, 2012
Press Release
Inner courtyard of Yeşiltepe Blocks, Emek, Ankara
Architectural project by Rahmi Bediz - Demirtaş Kamçıl (1955)
Photo by Metehan Özcan (2012)
Butik-A furniture in Ferhunde and Ulvi Cemal Erkin’s apartment (1962)
Photo by Metehan Özcan (2012)
Modern Essays 5: Graft
SALT Galata
May 25 - August 26, 2012
Press Release
Çubuk Dam, Ankara
Aslıhan Demirtaş archive
Marmara reservoir, Atatürk Model Farm, Ankara
Aslıhan Demirtaş archive
SALT Beyoğlu and SALT Galata
January 27 - December 31, 2012
Press Release
İstanbul Eindhoven-SALTVanAbbe: Post ‘89
SALT Beyoğlu and SALT Galata
January 27 - April 6, 2012
Press Release

Juan Muñoz, Balcony, 1991
Van Abbemuseum Collection, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Peter Cox, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Van Abbemuseum Collection, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Peter Cox, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
İstanbul Eindhoven-SALTVanAbbe: 68-89
SALT Beyoğlu
April 20 - August 26, 2012
Press Release

Van Abbemuseum Collection, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Peter Cox, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Van Abbemuseum Collection, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Peter Cox, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
İstanbul Eindhoven-SALTVanAbbe: Modern Times
SALT Galata
September 21 - December 30, 2012
Press Release

Drawing ink on paper
Öner Kocabeyoğlu Collection
Photo: Bahadır Taşkın

Oil on canvas
Van Abbemuseum Collection, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Photo: Peter Cox, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
It was a time of conversation
SALT Galata
February 8 - April 22, 2012
Press Release

From the Globalization - State, Misery, Violence exhibition

From the GAR [Railway Station] exhibition
I decided not to save the world
SALT Beyoğlu
March 20 - May 20, 2012
Press Release

Tate, purchased 2011
Photo: Tate

Courtesy of the artists
Translated By
SALT Galata
April 6 - July 8, 2012
Press Release

Modern Essays 4: SALON
SALT Galata
April 13 - June 24, 2012
Press Release

Architectural project by Rahmi Bediz - Demirtaş Kamçıl (1955)
Photo by Metehan Özcan (2012)

Photo by Metehan Özcan (2012)
Modern Essays 5: Graft
SALT Galata
May 25 - August 26, 2012
Press Release

Aslıhan Demirtaş archive

Aslıhan Demirtaş archive