Curatorial Archives in Curatorial Practices

ISBN: 978-9944-731-58-4
Yayın dili: İngilizce
Yayın dili: İngilizce
- Introduction: The Curator in Absentia, or What Curatorial Archives Reveal About Curatorial Practices, Michela Alessandrini
- Preface: The Art of Archiving, Philippe Artières
- The Inbox Archive, Ferran Barenblit
- The Political Archive, Manuel Borja-Villel
- The Leftover Archive, Charles Esche
- The Research-Tool Archive, Vincenzo de Bellis
- The Orphan Archive, Vasıf Kortun
- The Non-Institutional Archive, Abdellah Karroum
- The Invisible Archive, Chiara Bertola
- The Time-and-Space-Consuming Archive, Giovanni Carmine
- The Knowledge-Seeker Archive, Massimiliano Gioni
- The Memory-Keeper Archive, Hou Hanru
- The Affective Archive, Cornelia Lauf
- The Visual Archive, Jean-Hubert Martin
- The Intimate Archive, Viktor Misiano
- Harald Szeemann's Archive, Pietro Rigolo
- The Polyphonic Archive, Hans Ulrich Obrist
- The Reactivating Archive, Lorenzo Benedetti
- The Collective Archive, Susan Hapgood
- The Sympathetic-Magic Archive, Francesco Manacorda
- The Conscious Archive, Barbara Vanderlinden
- Postface: This, For the Sake of Exhibitions, Meriç Öner
- Acknowledgments