Living with Ghosts: Legacies of Colonialism and Fascism

190 sayfa,
Yayın dili İngilizce'dir.
İndirmek için tıklayın.
İndirmek için tıklayın.
- Introduction
- On European 'Civilization': Colonialism, Land, Lebensraum
- A Conversation at Bamayak and Mabaluk, part of the coastal lands of the Emmiyengal people
- On White Innocence
- i defied the lens so it struck us - A Visual Essay
- Drinking from Our Own Wells: Endarkened Feminist Epistemology as Praxis in a Persistent Economy of Lack
- What haunts European Contemporary Politics: A Discussion with Walter Famler
- The Uncensored Censors: How We Say 'Appropriation' Now?
- Towards an Anti-Fascist International: A View from Central and Eastern Europe
- Biographies