İstanbul Experimental 5. İstanbul Uluslararası Deneysel Film Festivali
Salt Galata
8 Mayıs – 12 Mayıs 2024

Light Leak (2021) filminden bir kare
©Nate Dorr
©Nate Dorr
Salt, İstanbul Experimental tarafından bu yıl beşincisi düzenlenen İstanbul Uluslararası Deneysel Film Festivali’ne ev sahipliği yapıyor. Deneysel film seçkilerinden oluşan gösterimlere iki konuşma programı eşlik ediyor.
Filmler orijinal dilinde Türkçe altyazılı olarak gösterilecek. Herkesin katılımına açık ve ücretsiz program hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi için tıklayın.
8 Mayıs Çarşamba
15.00 First Hermanubis: Initiation, Michael Alexander Morris, 2022, 40’
16.00 Kısa Seçki: Film Memory
Idu Dani / Uploaded Memories, Igor M. Toholj, 2023, 18’27”
El Chinero, Un Cerro Fantasma [El Chinero, A Phantom Hill], Bani Khoshnoudi, 2023, 11’21”
There, Where She is Not, Sarah Ballard, 2022, 7’
Light Leak, Nate Dorr, 2021, 8’20”
Agua y más agua [Water and More Water], Francesca Svampa, 2022, 6’12”
17.00 Kısa Seçki: Essays #1
(Un)earthing – Plant Knowledge and Dreams, Louise Boer, 2022, 8’28”
Parallel Botany, Magdalena Bermudez, 2023, 11’08”
Algorithms of Beauty, Miléna Trivier, 2022, 20’
18.00 Efficiency Exhibition, Di Hu, 2022, 55’
9 Mayıs Perşembe
15.00 Kısa Seçki: Analog Works
Embers from Yesterday, Aflame., William Hong-xiao Wei, 2023, 10’40”
And So It Came About (A Tale of Consequential Dormancy), Charlotte Pryce, 2023, 13’
Damp Moss, Christopher Thompson, 2023, 4’22”
Why Are You Image Plus?, Diogo Baldaia, 2023, 9’
Here are some Images, Yannick Mosimann, 2023, 6’04”
In Littleness, Cherlyn Hsing-Hsin Liu, 2022, 8’15”
Grain Cloud Atmosphere, Martin Moolhuijsen, 2023, 7’
16.30 Kısa Seçki: First Experiments
Základy Práce Slunce [Foundations of the Work of the Sun], Jakub Štourač, Anna Luňáková, 2023, 14’09”
A Disordered Dictionary, Zhouyi Ye, 2023, 9’39”
Holy Blood, Jonathan Rochier, 2023, 4’58”
Anthology of Nine Souls on Their Way to Death, Penelope Zouganeli, Giuseppe Circelli, 2022, 10’51”
Micro Battles, Altay Erlik, 2023, 2’12”
On My Way Home, ZHI XUAN LIN, 2022, 4’31”
Terrifying Holes Compilation, Katharina Aae, 2021, 4’54”
18.00 Kısa Seçki: Animasyon #1
Lunatic, Robin Noorda, 2024, 16’
Light Play (Vicious Cycles #3), Wobbe F. Koning, 2023, 3’19”
Caprice x², Claudia Ungersbäck, 2021, 3’37”
Language Unknown, Janelle VanderKelen, 2022, 6’10”
Labirent Faresi, Uğur Savaş, 2023, 4’14”
Reptilian Freeze Reflex, Anna Hogg, Lindsey Arturo, Rachel Lane, 2022, 1’35”
Disappearing Acts, Sarah E. Jenkins, 2022, 3’43”
10 Mayıs Cuma
15.00 Kısa Seçki: Essays #2
8 Mart 2020: Bir Günce, Fırat Yücel, 2022, 15’
Manuale di cinematografia per dilettanti: Vol. I [A Companion for Amateur Cinematographers: Vol. I], Federico Di Corato, 2022, 20’
Dictionary of Emotions in a Time of War, Leah Loftin, 2023, 12’13”
Le film que vous allez voir [The Film You Are About to See], Maxime Marinot, 2023, 11’
16.30 Kısa Seçki: Found Footages
36, Rezan Uğurlu, 2023, 9’24”
Ill Composto, Josh Drake, James Hollenbaugh, Jeremy Moss, Caleb Smith, 2023, 3’38”
Forms with Space and Distance and Hills, Jason Moyes, 2022, 3’12”
Long Time No Techno, Eugenia Bakurin, 2022, 4’
Minutiae: One Film, Two Cuts, Miljana Nikovic, 2022, 6’6”
Reversal, Diane Nerwen, 2023, 6’34”
The Big Job, John Dawson, 2022, 2’
Trouble with Johnny, Paul Echeverria, 2023, 4’33”
Transmission, Nicole Blundell, 2023, 2’
17.30 Damnatio Memoriae, Thunska Pansittivorakul, 2023, 108’
11 Mayıs Cumartesi
14.00 Enez, Emmanuel Piton, 2022, 39’
15.00 Rafael Hastings Film Project
The Island of the Immortals (A Legend from the Time of Ho-Chi), Rafael Hastings, 1974, 7’47”
Unconditioned Unhiding and/or An Approximation of the Act of Disappearing, Rafael Hastings, 1974, 7’37”
Legend of Two Gardens (From an Anonymous Document Collected by Octavio Paz), Rafael Hastings, 1974, 7’53”
The Four Celestial Poles (From a Stone Testimony filmed in Sechín, Casma, Peru), Rafael Hastings, 1974, 7’53”
16.00 Konuşma: José-Carlos Mariátegui, “Hastings Filmleri Üzerine”
17.00 Last Things, Deborah Stratman, 2022, 49’33”
18.00 Kısa Seçki: From the Desktop
Newly built dream, Chanmin Kim, 2023, 22’38”
La Mécanique des Fluides [The Mechanics of fluids], Gala Hernández López, 2022, 30’
12 Mayıs Pazar
13.00 Kısa Seçki: Essays #3
6000 Mensonges [6000 Lies], Simon Rieth, 2023, 5’
Apoptosis, Antonio Arango Vázquez, 2023, 12’03”
The Empty Sphere, Stéphanie Roland, 2022, 19’
14.30 Konuşma: Serdar Kökçeoğlu, “Çağdaş Türk Besteciler ve Sinema”
16.00 I 2 aye, Richard Philpott, 2023, 56
Salt, İstanbul Experimental tarafından bu yıl beşincisi düzenlenen İstanbul Uluslararası Deneysel Film Festivali’ne ev sahipliği yapıyor. Deneysel film seçkilerinden oluşan gösterimlere iki konuşma programı eşlik ediyor.
Filmler orijinal dilinde Türkçe altyazılı olarak gösterilecek. Herkesin katılımına açık ve ücretsiz program hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi için tıklayın.
8 Mayıs Çarşamba
15.00 First Hermanubis: Initiation, Michael Alexander Morris, 2022, 40’
16.00 Kısa Seçki: Film Memory
Idu Dani / Uploaded Memories, Igor M. Toholj, 2023, 18’27”
El Chinero, Un Cerro Fantasma [El Chinero, A Phantom Hill], Bani Khoshnoudi, 2023, 11’21”
There, Where She is Not, Sarah Ballard, 2022, 7’
Light Leak, Nate Dorr, 2021, 8’20”
Agua y más agua [Water and More Water], Francesca Svampa, 2022, 6’12”
17.00 Kısa Seçki: Essays #1
(Un)earthing – Plant Knowledge and Dreams, Louise Boer, 2022, 8’28”
Parallel Botany, Magdalena Bermudez, 2023, 11’08”
Algorithms of Beauty, Miléna Trivier, 2022, 20’
18.00 Efficiency Exhibition, Di Hu, 2022, 55’
9 Mayıs Perşembe
15.00 Kısa Seçki: Analog Works
Embers from Yesterday, Aflame., William Hong-xiao Wei, 2023, 10’40”
And So It Came About (A Tale of Consequential Dormancy), Charlotte Pryce, 2023, 13’
Damp Moss, Christopher Thompson, 2023, 4’22”
Why Are You Image Plus?, Diogo Baldaia, 2023, 9’
Here are some Images, Yannick Mosimann, 2023, 6’04”
In Littleness, Cherlyn Hsing-Hsin Liu, 2022, 8’15”
Grain Cloud Atmosphere, Martin Moolhuijsen, 2023, 7’
16.30 Kısa Seçki: First Experiments
Základy Práce Slunce [Foundations of the Work of the Sun], Jakub Štourač, Anna Luňáková, 2023, 14’09”
A Disordered Dictionary, Zhouyi Ye, 2023, 9’39”
Holy Blood, Jonathan Rochier, 2023, 4’58”
Anthology of Nine Souls on Their Way to Death, Penelope Zouganeli, Giuseppe Circelli, 2022, 10’51”
Micro Battles, Altay Erlik, 2023, 2’12”
On My Way Home, ZHI XUAN LIN, 2022, 4’31”
Terrifying Holes Compilation, Katharina Aae, 2021, 4’54”
18.00 Kısa Seçki: Animasyon #1
Lunatic, Robin Noorda, 2024, 16’
Light Play (Vicious Cycles #3), Wobbe F. Koning, 2023, 3’19”
Caprice x², Claudia Ungersbäck, 2021, 3’37”
Language Unknown, Janelle VanderKelen, 2022, 6’10”
Labirent Faresi, Uğur Savaş, 2023, 4’14”
Reptilian Freeze Reflex, Anna Hogg, Lindsey Arturo, Rachel Lane, 2022, 1’35”
Disappearing Acts, Sarah E. Jenkins, 2022, 3’43”
10 Mayıs Cuma
15.00 Kısa Seçki: Essays #2
8 Mart 2020: Bir Günce, Fırat Yücel, 2022, 15’
Manuale di cinematografia per dilettanti: Vol. I [A Companion for Amateur Cinematographers: Vol. I], Federico Di Corato, 2022, 20’
Dictionary of Emotions in a Time of War, Leah Loftin, 2023, 12’13”
Le film que vous allez voir [The Film You Are About to See], Maxime Marinot, 2023, 11’
16.30 Kısa Seçki: Found Footages
36, Rezan Uğurlu, 2023, 9’24”
Ill Composto, Josh Drake, James Hollenbaugh, Jeremy Moss, Caleb Smith, 2023, 3’38”
Forms with Space and Distance and Hills, Jason Moyes, 2022, 3’12”
Long Time No Techno, Eugenia Bakurin, 2022, 4’
Minutiae: One Film, Two Cuts, Miljana Nikovic, 2022, 6’6”
Reversal, Diane Nerwen, 2023, 6’34”
The Big Job, John Dawson, 2022, 2’
Trouble with Johnny, Paul Echeverria, 2023, 4’33”
Transmission, Nicole Blundell, 2023, 2’
17.30 Damnatio Memoriae, Thunska Pansittivorakul, 2023, 108’
11 Mayıs Cumartesi
14.00 Enez, Emmanuel Piton, 2022, 39’
15.00 Rafael Hastings Film Project
The Island of the Immortals (A Legend from the Time of Ho-Chi), Rafael Hastings, 1974, 7’47”
Unconditioned Unhiding and/or An Approximation of the Act of Disappearing, Rafael Hastings, 1974, 7’37”
Legend of Two Gardens (From an Anonymous Document Collected by Octavio Paz), Rafael Hastings, 1974, 7’53”
The Four Celestial Poles (From a Stone Testimony filmed in Sechín, Casma, Peru), Rafael Hastings, 1974, 7’53”
16.00 Konuşma: José-Carlos Mariátegui, “Hastings Filmleri Üzerine”
17.00 Last Things, Deborah Stratman, 2022, 49’33”
18.00 Kısa Seçki: From the Desktop
Newly built dream, Chanmin Kim, 2023, 22’38”
La Mécanique des Fluides [The Mechanics of fluids], Gala Hernández López, 2022, 30’
12 Mayıs Pazar
13.00 Kısa Seçki: Essays #3
6000 Mensonges [6000 Lies], Simon Rieth, 2023, 5’
Apoptosis, Antonio Arango Vázquez, 2023, 12’03”
The Empty Sphere, Stéphanie Roland, 2022, 19’
14.30 Konuşma: Serdar Kökçeoğlu, “Çağdaş Türk Besteciler ve Sinema”
16.00 I 2 aye, Richard Philpott, 2023, 56